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Please have consideration for your neighbours.


Please have consideration for your neighbours as everyone has the right to live peacefully at home. It is also a condition of your Tenancy Agreement not to cause a nuisance to other tenants.

Children’s Play Areas.

Not all properties have play areas and children are often allowed to play either on the roadways through the estate, outside people’s houses or in the indoor and outdoor communal areas in the blocks of flats. Bearing this in mind, we must ask that parents remain vigilant of their children at all times and ensure they are not causing a nuisance to other neighbours.

Washing Lines.

If you are in a flat with shared washing lines, please do not remove other people’s washing to hang up yours. Please leave these areas clean and tidy.

Anti-Social Behaviour.

If you have a dispute with another tenant, please try to resolve it between yourselves in the first instance. However, should the situation escalate, please contact the Police in the first instance and provide the case number to your property manager for their information.

At all times you must avoid making noise which disturbs your neighbours. Between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. noise disturbances are a criminal offence.

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